> Writing in the August 18 issue of Sel'skaya zhizn', Vladimir Solov'yev made
> the observation that the white-blue-red tri-color chosen by Yeltsin as the
> flag of the Russian Federation was the flag under which the turncoat General 
> Andrei Vlasov's army fought against the Red Army in World War II.

That is indeed interesting.  I'd like to know what earlier history that
flag may have already had by Vlasov's time.

> General Vlasov was a Red Army General who was taken prisoner, defected,
> recruited several thousand (850,000 by some count) Russian POWs and
> civilian deportees in Germany and formed an army that fought in German
> uniforms against the Red Army.

Russian POWs or _Soviet_ POWs?  Makes a lot of difference in determining
the intent behind this army's treason.


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