The Council of Canadians 
and the International Forum on Globalization 
in collaboration with the Polaris Institute present 


Challenging Corporate Rule:
A Citizens' Politics for the 21st Century

November 7-9, 1997
University of Toronto

Who's really in charge of this country anyway? Who has 
the real power to govern and rule? The politicians? Or 
the CEO's of the big corporations? What kind of 
citizen's politics do we need to develop to restore 
our democracy?

Public Forum on Economic Globalization and Corporate Rule
Friday, November 7
7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Convocation Hall
University of Toronto

Tony Clarke, Polaris Institute

Opening Remarks
Maude Barlow, The Council of Canadians
Jerry Mander, International Forum on Globalization

Voices from the Planet

Vandana Shiva, Research Foundation for Technology 
Science & Natural Resource Policy, INDIA

Owens Wiwa, Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni 
Peoples, NIGERIA

Sara Larrain, Chilean Ecological Action Network, CHILE

Jean-Pierre Page, Confederation Generale du Travail, 

John Cavanagh, Institute for Policy Studies, USA

Bob White, Canadian Labour Congress, CANADA

Martin Khor, Third World Action Network, MALAYSIA

Live Entertainment

Panel: Canadian Perspectives on Corporate Rule
Saturday, November 8
9:00 am to 10:30 am
OISE Auditorium

Buzz Hargrove, Canadian Auto Workers
Elizabeth May, Sierra Club of Canada
Heather-jane Robertson, Canadian Teachers' Federation
David Langille, Centre for Social Justice
Murray Dobbin, The Council of Canadians

20 Workshops on Corporate Rule 
Saturday, November 8
11:00 am to 5:00 pm
OISE Hall and Faculty of Education

I. Banking on the Debt
How do the big banks influence Canada's monetary and 
fiscal policies? What can we do to check their power?

II. How Safe is Our Food?
What companies are leading the drive toward the 
deregulation of food production? How can we close the 
fridge door on them?

III. The Corporate Grab for Medicare
What corporations are looking to cash in on Canada's 
multi-billion dollar public health care system? How 
can we stop them?

IV. McSchools
How are corporations invading our schools? What can we 
do to keep our schools public?

V. The Business Blueprint for Social Security
How are corporations profiting from cut-backs to 
social programs? What strategies can citizen's use to 
fight back?

VI. The Corporate Privateers
Which corporations are lining up to cash in on the 
privatization of public services? How can our 
communities organize to preserve our public sector?

VII. Media Moguls and their Message
How does the increasing corporate concentration of 
media ownership affect the diversity of news, 
information, and entertainment we receive? What can 
viewers and listeners do?

VIII. The Power Brokers
What energy corporations are lobbying for relaxed 
environmental rules and pushing for the privatization 
of public utilities? How can we pull the plug on their 

IX. The Corporate Underground
How have the big mining corporations compelled 
governments to reduce environmental and industry 
regulations? How do we stop them from burying our 
communities and the environment?

X. Corporate Deals on Wheels
What have the big automakers, airline companies and 
railways done to rollback government regulations? How 
do we get the concerns of the public back on the road?

XI. The Emperor's New Clothes
Which clothing and textile companies are exploiting 
cheap labour conditions in Asia and Latin America? 
What can we do to expose them?

XII. Corporate Hospitality?
How are tourism and hospitality services being 
redesigned by corporate actors and what are the 
impacts on local communities and workers? How do we 
turn the tables on the big corporate players?

XIII. Bio-Piracy: The Big Business of Life
How have biotechnology corporations secured patent 
protection for the genetic manipulation of life? What 
does it mean and how can we stop them?

XIV. The Global Pillage: Telecommunications and 
the Information Highway 
How are the telecommunications giants rolling back 
public regulations and gaining control over the 
information highway? What can be done to put their 
plans on hold?

XV. Trading it all Away
How do transnational corporations use trade agreements 
to hamstring governments? How can citizens organzie to 
restore our sovereignty and democracy?

XVI. The Global Managers
What role do the IMF and World Bank play in supporting 
corporate rule? How do we mobilize to stop them?

XVII. Legal Fictions
How have governments and the courts granted 
corporations the rights of 'super-citizens'? What can 
be done to challenge these decisions?

XVIII. Culture, Inc.
How is Canadian culture threatened by foreign-based 
corporations and free trade agreements? How can the 
creative community fight the entertainment giants?

XIX. The Corporate Cathedral?
How has big business infiltrated the mainline 
churches? What can be done to stop them?

XX. Attention Shoppers!
What big retail chains are moving into communities, 
gobbling up local businesses, and exploiting workers? 
How can communities organize against the big box 

Sunday, November 9
10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Round Table
Delegates from the workshops will share reports on 
common tasks and plot a coordinated strategy.


Friday night only:            $12     $6 fixed income
All events:                       $35     $15 fixed income

To register, call The Council of Canadians' toll-free 
at 1-800-387-7177

The Council of Canadians is a national, non-partisan, 
non-profit public interest group with more than 90,000 
members committed to safeguarding Canada's social 
programs, preserving the environment, promoting 
alternatives to corporate-style free trade, and 
defending the democratic rights of citizens.

The International Forum on Globalization (IFG) is an 
alliance of activists, economists, researchers and 
philosophers representing 19 countries who have joined 
together to respond to the threats of economic 
globalization to the environment, communities, human 
rights, equity, and democracy. 

This teach-in is part of a series of events being held 
in Canada, the United States, and abroad to focus 
increased attention on the major issues arising from 
the rush to globalize.

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