Over 5,000 nursing aides held a demonstration in cold, rainy weather at the
National Assembly in Quebec City on September 20 to protest the anti-social
measures being imposed in the health care field. As a consequence of these
measures, they pointed out, the nursing aide occupation is being
     There are 18,500 nursing aides in Quebec. They take vital signs,
prepare and administer medication, take care of pre- and post-operation
care and handle hygiene.
     Health Minister Jean Rochon has said repeatedly that he has no plans
to eliminate nursing aide jobs, however, the cutbacks have resulted in the
elimination of nursing aide positions at several clinics and hospitals.
     "The only person whose place is not in the health network is Jean
Rochon," said CEQ president Lorraine Pagé, while Gerald Larose, president
of the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CNTU) said "if there is an
ounce of humanity remaining in the healthcare system, it's thanks to the
nursing aides who personalize the care given patients." 

                                TML Daily, 9/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

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