> From: Raymond Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:      Protest by 35,000 Workers in North Bay, Ontario
> Saturday (September 27, 1997), 35,000 workers marched=20
> through the streets of North Bay, Ontario in a show of force. =20
> North Bay is city of 56,000 and gateway to Ontario's Near=20
> North mining region.  Chanting workers carrying union banners=20
> and picket signs flowed into Thompson Park where they were=20
> addressed by Canadian Labour Congress president Bob White=20
> and other union millitants.  Workers were demonstrating against=20
> cuts in public sector jobs and social spending by Mike Harris's=20
> neo-liberal Conservative government.  The North Bay protest=20
> was another in the series of Days of Action which have taken=20
> place in cities across Ontario, including a general strike which=20
> shut-down Toronto last October.
> Unionised teachers made up a leading component of the=20
> demonstrators. 180 buses brought in supporters from across=20
> Ontario.  A province wide illegal teachers' strike is expected=20
> this week.  Teachers fear thousands of jobs being cut.  School=20
> boards have been issued an "Illegal Strike Guide" which=20
> recommends using scabs and withholding the salaries of=20
> teachers who walk picket lines.
> Ontario labour recently forced dramatic concessions from=20
> Harris.  He backed down on provisions of Bill 136 which were
> to withdraw the right to strike of a wide range of public sector=20
> workers for a two-year period.  Eliminating the right to strike=20
> was to facilitate the cutting of jobs of hospital workers, municipal=20
> workers, and teachers.=20
> In Quebec City, at least 8,000 unionised municipal workers=20
> demonstrated against the Parti Qu=E9becois government. Qu=E9bec=20
> has down shifted $500-million in its costs to municipal=20
> governments.  Union leaders believe Premier Lucien Bouchard=20
> will legislate a 6% wage clawback to cut municipal payrolls.  Eight=20
> unions representing 82,000 workers are threatening illegal strike=20
> actions if a clawback law is passed.
> reported by Raymond Chase

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