People, Yitzhak Rabin was hardly a "warrior of peace" as the bourgeois media emphasizes. He was, first and foremost, a military man, part of a command structure, not a "democratic" polity. He knew exactly what he was doing when engineering Israeli "security" and butchering unarmed Palestinian children. Like many Israeli's, he would prefer that the Palestinian people simply disappear. As America's fuckin watchdog in the Middle East, the hijack state of Israel did not decide to embark upon "peace" out of the good and benevolence of its heart. Rabin was merely another yes-man for U.S. and British imperialism. What little freedom the Palestinians have secured is a result of incessant struggle (for self-determination). Where were the compassionate Israeli's, those citizens of a so-called open and democratic society, when only blocks away there was a continuos bloodbath. Rabin's death means nothing, in the final analysis. Solitary individuals do not bring about regional/global change. Societies do. The view that Rabin will go down in the history books as a "towering figure for peace" is standard bourgeois nostalgia. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]