Berman, Dennis. 1999. “What's a Worker Worth?” Business Week (11
October): p. F 4.
“What's the true measure of Man?  Before you wax philosophical, glean
some practical wisdom from Jac Fitz-enz.  His company, Saratoga
Institute, devises systems for measuring human capital -- in other
words, how much economic value employees contribute to their
businesses.  One of his favorite formulas is what he calls the "human
capital return on investment," which calculates dollar-for-dollar
profits against pay and benefits.”
“On average, companies of fewer than 500 employees sock away $1.68 in
profits for each dollar in pay and benefits. "All assets other than
people are inert," argues Fitz-enz.  "They don't add any value until
they're leveraged by a human being”."

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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