We are relaying the following Urgent Appeal from Amnesty International. 
Labor in Colombia is under fire and unionists there need our help.  
Please take a little bit of time to respond to this Urgent Appeal.

Dennis Grammenos
Colombian Labor Monitor

        UA 230/98   Fear for safety/Death threats  27 August 1998

COLOMBIA  July Gonzalez Villadiego (f), Rafael Pena, Olimpo Cardenas, 
Alvaro Pulido, Ana Cecilia Escorcia (f), Miguel Gonzalez, Segundo Mora, 
Ivan Ferreira, Jesus Arias, Raul Malagon, Hector Florez, Mauricio 
Alvarez, Edgar Rodriguez, Orlando Romero, Jesus Arevalo, Alvaro Quintero, 
Emidgio Triana - all members of the National Executive of the Union 
Nacional de Empleados Bancarios (UNEB), National Bank Workers' Union, 
other UNEB members, and Domingo Rafael Tovar Arrieta, a leader of the Central
Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), Trade Union Confederation

There is serious concern for the safety of the the above-named leaders of 
the Union Nacional de Empleados Bancarios (UNEB), National Bank Workers' 
Union, after they received death threats, reportedly issued by a 
paramilitary organization.

On 13 August 1998 an anonymous phonecaller made death threats against 
July Gonzalez Villadiego and her partner, Domingo Rafael Tovar Arrieta, a 
leader of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), Trade Union. On 15 
August, the couple received further telephone death threats.

A fax sent to the CUT offices on 21 August accused the UNEB and members 
of its National Executive of being 'guerrilla auxiliaries' and declared 
that the UNEB and its National Executive were now military targets.


For many years trade unionists, human rights workers, members of legal 
opposition groups and popular activists in Colombia have frequently been 
accused of being guerrilla sympathizers or auxiliaries by the security 
and armed forces. Such accusations have frequently been followed by 
serious human rights violations, often perpetrated by the security 
forces' paramilitary allies.

Members of the Colombian army and security forces and their paramilitary 
allies continue to commit serious human rights violations with virtual 
impunity. The Colombian Government suspended the constitutional legal 
base for the formation of paramilitary organizations and issued 
directives to the armed forces to combat and disband such groups in 1989. 
Yet these groups continue to work with the support of the security forces 
in many areas of the country.

No effective steps have been taken by the authorities as yet to control
the  actions of such gropus and to hold their members accountable for
the serious and widespread human rights violations they commit. The
Attorney General recently stated that more than 200 arrest warrants
issued against alleged paramilitary members in connection with human
rights violations have still not been acted upon by the security forces.

Colombia's new President, Andres Pastrana, took office on 8 August
1998. So far, he and his government have not taken any steps or made
any commitments to tackle the country's long running human rights

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send telegrams/telexes/faxes/express/airmail 

- expressing concern for the safety of Domingo Rafael Tovar Arrieta, a
leader of the CUT, the members of the National Executivec of UNEB
(name some of them) and all other UNEB members in the light of the
repeated death threats made against them;

- calling on the authorities to take all steps deemed appropriate by
those under threat themselves to guarantee their safety;

- urging that all threats against the above named trade unionists be
fully and impartially investigated and that those responsible be brought
to justice;
- calling for a full and impartial investigation into links between the
security forces and paramilitary groups and urging that those found
responsible for supporting and participating in such groups be brought
to justice;

- urging that the authorities take immediate action to dismantle
paramilitary groups, in line with stated government commitments;

- calling on President Pastrana's government to take immediate and
decisive action to tackle Colombia's human rights crisis;

- reminding Colombia's new government of the country's commitment
to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in particular Article 3:
'Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.'


President of Colombia:
        Dr. Andres Pastrana Arango
        Presidente de la Republica
        Palacio de Narino
        Carrera 8 No. 7-26
        Santafe de Bogota, Colombia

Dear President Pastrana:

Telegrams: President Pastrana, Bogota, Colombia
Telexes: 396 44281 PALP CO
Faxes:    011 57 1 284 2186 / 289 3377 / 286 7434

Minister of the Interior:
        Dr. Nestor Humberto Martinez
        Ministro del Interior
        Ministerio del Interior
        Carrera 8, No.8-09, Piso 2
        Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA

Dear Minister:

Telegrams: Ministro del Interior, Bogota, Colombia
Telexes:   396 45406 MINGO CO
Fax: 011 57 1 281 5884 / 286 6524 / 286 0405

Minister of Defense:
        Dr. Rodrigo Lloreda Caicedo
        Ministro de Defensa Nacional
        Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
        Avenida Eldorado CAN - Carrera 52
        Santafe de Bogota, Colombia

Dear Minister:

Telegrams: Ministro de Defensa, Bogota, Colombia
Telexes: 396 42411 INPRE CO / 396 44561 CFAC CO
Faxes:    011 57 1 222 1874 / 288 4906

Attorney General:
        Dr.Alfonso Gomez Mendez
        Fiscal General de la Nacion
        Fiscalia General de la Nacion
        Diagonal 22B 5201
        Santafe de Bogota,Colombia

Dear Dr.:

Telegrams: Fiscal General, Fiscalia General, Bogota, Colombia
Faxes:    011  571 570 2000 (when ansaphone picks up dial 2017 for fax)


Trade Union:
        Union Nacional de Empleados Bancarios
        Calle 28 No. 16-34
        Bogota, Colombia

Ambassador Juan Carlos Esguerra
Embassy of Colombia
2118 Leroy Pl. NW
Washington DC 20008


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