How to Confront Holocaust Deniers

1) Do not take them on on their own turf; do not go as the "token 
opposition" to forums packed with their own kind, that are basically put on for 
publicity and narcissism;

2) Serious research the organizational, political and funding 
connections between individuals and organizations associated with 
Holocaust denials;

3) Do not discuss only the Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust 
and/or deny that other Holocausts have occured as a) this will cause 
you to lose credibility; b) feed into Nazi propaganda--past and 
present--that Jews only care about themselves with very narrow 
definitions of "What and Who is a Jew";

4) Do serious scholarship on various dimensions of the Holocaust and 
practice high levels of integrity, credibility and intellectual 
honesty at all times--do not try to cover-up the uncomfortable or 
that which doesn't fit in with hidden or narrow agenda;

5) Learn some basic logic, critical thinking, research skills, sound 
versus superficial sources and how to look for patterns, connections, 
correlations and interrelationships between aspects of the Holocaust;

6) Do not desecrate the victims and lessons of the Holocaust by 
attempting to use, for political purposes of whatever type, selective 
data, selective interpretations, selective data sources or contrived 
syllogisms for hidden agenda;

7) Link up with victims of the Nazi Holocaust from various 
communities to talk and share common experiences, data, testimonies 

8) Show you are truly anti-Holocaust not just the Nazi one as again 
this undermines credibility and feeds into fascist caricatures and 

9) Organize boycotts against any organization or supporters of any 
organization that openly or covertly promotes holocaust denial;

10) Organize increased efforts for widened and more rapid releases of 
data and information under FOIA and for the U.S. Government and the 
Governments of all countries involved in promoting or fighting 
against the holocaust to open their files and locate victims of the 
Holocaust who may be near death;

11) Do active work particularly among the young so that the old nazis 
and their supporters can die off without continuing to infect/recruit younger 

12) Take on the issues squarely and directly and do not attempt to 
narrowly define issues to suit one's lack of knowledge, hidden 
agenda, personal sensibilities or inability to reason effectively; 
this will only hurt the credibility of the one arguing against 
Holocaust denial which hurts the cause of opposing Holocaust denial;

13. Bring in spokespersons who actually know something, can actually 
reason at a high level and hold it together in the heat of battle 
rather than emotional cheerleaders who seek to feed their own 
psychological needs and who think that somehow the more forceful, 
virulent and offensive the language therefore the more forceful their 
arguments--they'll get chewed up.

Just some suggestions. Thanks it has been real. From the tone and 
level of intellect demonstrated on this list that I have seen so far, 
I unfortunately fear for the cause of opposition to fascism and 
Holocaust denial; it is not in good hands from what I have seen and I 
can only hope there is better lurking.

Jim Craven

 James Craven             
 Dept. of Economics,Clark College
 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
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