Friday, September 4, 1998 

 Isolationism Is Not the Right Path 
 Despite global market fears, this isn't the time for Malaysia to put new
 controls over its economy. 
 Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is defying the global economy.
On Tuesday, his government announced that it was imposing capital controls
and establishing a fixed exchange rate for the national currency, the
ringgit. He then fired his deputy prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim, a leading
Malaysian liberal. In taking these actions, Mahathir has boldly rejected
the course that other crisis-torn Asian countries have followed. Instead of
maintaining free financial and trade flows and restructuring domestic
economic institutions, he is turning toward protectionism and insularity.
But can old-fashioned economic nationalism succeed in the new global
economy? Probably not. 
This is not to suggest that economic nationalism has never worked. Clearly,
the "miracle economies" of East Asia, with the possible exception of Hong
Kong, built their late-20th century success on extensive state intervention
in the economy, just as the United States did in the early 19th century and
Germany did after 1870. Indeed, economic planners in Asia's first economic
success story, Japan, were inspired by the leading theorist of
American-German protectionism, Friedrich List. In the 20th century, John
Maynard Keynes created a whole new vocabulary for managing national
economies, a lexicon that shifted the concerns of economic nationalism away
from crude protectionism and toward relatively independent fiscal and
monetary policies. Keynes' language and methods were different from List's,
but the goal was the same: maximizing the performance of an individual
national economy. 

 Mahathir's current moves have more in common with Keynes than List. He is
trying to regain control over interest rates and exchange rates, basic
instruments of national economic management. But the world economy of the
late 20th century is vastly different from that of Keynes' time, and
Malaysia is highly dependent on  foreign investment and global finance. 

 More than of 40% of capital investment in Malaysian manufacturing, the
economy's dynamic core, comes from foreign sources. While many
foreign-invested enterprises have large sunken costs in their current
Malaysian operations, a strategic advantage for Mahathir, they are likely
to think twice about expanding those  operations or even continuing them if
they cannot easily repatriate profits or utilize global financial markets.
No other countries in the region appear willing to follow the Malaysian
example; commentators from Tokyo to Manila to Singapore express deep
skepticism about Kuala Lumpur's chances for success. 

 Foreign investors thus have alternatives. They do not have to face
Malaysia's stricter regulatory regime but can put their money in the
relatively freer economies of the Philippines, Taiwan or Thailand. What
Mahathir has done is reduce the competitive advantage of the Malaysian
economy, the very quality that brought it success in the past 20 years and
the resource that it will need even more to weather the storms of

 Some commentators have suggested that capital controls may be workable.
They point to China and India, both of which limit the convertibility of
their currencies, as examples of successful financial protectionism. But
both of these countries have vast natural and human resources and generally
are less dependent on the world economy than is Malaysia. Moreover, in both
cases, robust economic growth, especially in China, has come in the wake of
liberalization, movement away from the very highly regulated practices of
the past. Even if they are not completely open, they are shifting toward
the global liberal norm, not away from it, as Malaysia is currently doing. 

 MIT economist Paul Krugman has been quite outspoken in supporting capital
controls under certain circumstances. He argues that such regulations might
be useful as temporary measures and should accompany, not displace, reform
of domestic economic policies. It seems, however, that Mahathir is trying
to avoid domestic  reform and displace the blame for Malaysia's troubles
onto foreigners. He is more taken with extravagant economic symbolism--the
tallest building in the world, the longest automobile convoy--than with
productivity and efficiency. He is captivated by xenophobic and
anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. He is, in short,  unlikely to hold to the
kind of economic discipline that the careful Krugman would require. 

 Mahathir's frustration is understandable. Economic globalization does
limit national sovereignty; it does impose costs on working classes, and it
does empower the controllers of financial capital. The motley right/left
coalition of American anti-globalists, from Pat Buchanan to Ralph Nader to
William Grieder, no doubt are sympathetic with Mahathir's plight and hope
for the success of his unorthodox moves. But it is more likely that full
economic autonomy is now anachronistic. 

 Without access to world markets and money, living standards will decline
steeply with no possibility of future recovery, a truism understood in
Beijing and Bangkok alike. However bad things are in Thailand and South
Korea, their continuing commitment to economic openness gives them a way up
and out. Mahathir is likely to keep Malaysia down and out. 

 - - -

 George T. Crane Is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Williams
College in Williamstown, Mass

 Copyright 1998 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved 

(I don't agree with this article, but it has some interesting points. I've
blown my quota for lbo-talk for the day. See you later!)


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