My earlier response to Louis is a bit one-sided. There may be occasions 
when threats are genuine or at least the signs are clear that a person 
may be approaching the stage of going berserk. I can't recall all the 
details but there was a prof. in engineering, I believe, at a university 
in Montreal, a Russian immigrant, who sent emails all over  the place 
screaming about his mistreatment by the head of his department whom he 
alleged had claimed his (the immigrant's) research as his own. As I 
recall these posts showed clear signs that the fellow was reaching the 
end of his tether. I received the post on a list not at all related to 
the issue. He was trying to get anyone, anywhere to listen. He ended up 
killing at least one prof. (of course not the guilty party). His charges 
turned out to have merit. Of course real action was taken on his 
complaints only after he went berserk. I am sure others have more details 
on this episode but I think I have the main points correct. The fellow 
needed some sort of counselling and no doubt his manner of setting out 
his grievances did not help him, but the real culprits were all those who 
stood by and did nothing in order to protect the department head from 
this "troublemaker". It is interesting to note that this chap was able to 
use his universities' email system to spread his complaints far and wide 
without being disciplined. He was actively using the Internet to garner 
support in his personal battle!
  Cheers, Ken Hanly
P.S. Some might think that the poor chap just didn't understand the North
American custom of senior faculty claiming credit for work done by 
junior faculty. In these cases though, the senior prof. usually has some 
in-put and papers will be signed as jointly authored. This went beyond 
that. The head was just appropriating this fellow's work and publishing 
it under his own name as I recall.

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