> > Dato: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 10:05:54 -0800
> > Fra: National Centre for Sustainability <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Til: "UP.Secr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Dear Fjord:
> >
> > At 14:03 17/12/98 +0100, you wrote: " The  rapid  development
toward  the political / environmental catastrophes  has  reached  the
stage  where  only  those  aiming  directly  at  terminating  the
transnational  corporations  are entitled  to  call  themselves
> >
> > My comment: I disagree with this sweeping statement. I am absolutely
in  agreement with  the need to dismantle the stifling stress on our
future  resulting from the corporate stranglehold on everything we do.
However,  destroying the TNCs will not achieve anything else than
further  destruction. Rather than  equating progress with destruction,
it should be  aimed at construction of a liveable world for all within
adequate  ecological conditions. If some elements of society have to be
destroyed on  the way, or deeply modified, fine. However, destruction
per se will only
achieve what it is set for: to destroy  What has to be destroyed must
be  replaced by something else that will work for our common good.
> >
> > Please rethink your message and your action plan. You are just not
credible along the path you chose.
> >
> > Sorry for my stern comments, but after being bombarded by your
messages on  the  theme 'destroy", I could not resist. This advice is
given in warm  sympathy for your concerns and your commitment. Please
redirect, with equal  energy and commitment,  in a  constructive mode.
> >
> > Og Glaedelig Jul, imellem. (Merry Christmas, in the meantime)
> >
> > Yves Bajard

> U.P.secr. skrev:
> >
> > Dear  Yves,
> >
> > Thank  you  for  this  opportunity  to  elaborate  on  these
serious  matters.
> >
> > If  you  agree  on  the  following  assumptions,  I  cannot
understand  your  position  at  all :
> >
> > The  present  misery  on  our  planet  has  two  roots:
> >
> > 1.  Cultur
> > All  evil  on  Earth  derives  from  those  parents  who  do  not
give  their  children  unlimited  and  unconditional  love,  respect,
care and  freedom  to  natural  unfolding.
Proportionately  with  the  degree  of  mistreatment,  the   ill-
treated  children  will  spend  rest  of  their  lives  with  striving
for  power / money  (extreme  examples  are  Hitler  and  Sadam
> > Most  of  the  present  catastrophic  global  situation  is  the
direct  or  indirect  result  of  the  last   500  years'   domination
of  the  white  Christian / child  oppressing / selfish / imperialist /
fascist / racist /  tradition,  that  has  destroyed  numerous  other
> > In  Denmark  only  recently   beating  of  children  has  become
illegal,  20  years  after  the  other  Scandinavian  countries.
> > In  1st  degree  imperialist  powers  like   Britain,  Germany,
France,  etc.,  the  conditions  are  even  worse.
> >
> > Change  of  the  dominating  culture  takes  generations.
Therefore  the  only  realistic  chance  is  to  curb   the  thus
erroneously  programmed  money-people's  activities  of  exploitation,
by  changing  the  reciprocal  structure  of  society:
> >
> > 2.  System  of  society
> > The  long  overmature  capitalistic  system  not  only  fails  to
set  any  limits  to  the  exploitation,  it  encourages  and  rewards
exploitation  through  the  state  of  the  capitalistic  dictatorship.
> > Nowadays  70 %  of  the  economy  is  concentrated  in  the  hands
of  the  transnational  corporations  (TNCs)  owned  by  5 %  of  the
world  population.
> > In  agreement  with  the  system,  the  TNCs  have  only  one
objective:  maximum  profit  without  any  regard  to  the  exploited
peoples  and  nature.
> > Through  their  mass  media  monopoly  they  corrupt  and  control
the  politicians  and  state  institutions,  so  that  there  is  no
> > How  can  anybody  imagine  that  a  humane  society  can  be
built  on  greed  and  profit-hunting  as  the  superior  principles  ?
> > Behind  all  war,  poverty,  hunger,  destruction  of  nature,
etc.,  are  the  TNCs.
> > Therefore  it  is  the  aim  of  all  progressive  people  to
transfer  the  economic  and  political  power  from  the  TNCs,  their
mass  media  monopoly  and  their  politicians,  to  the  peoples;  to
transfer  the  ownership  of  the  TNCs  from  a  handful  of  wealthy
people  to  the  whole  people  and  to  introduce  democracy.
> >
> > Where  is  the  "destruction"  in  this  ? ?
> >
> > With  my  best  wishes  for  a
> > Happy  New  Year,
> > Ole
> > http://home4.inet.tele.dk/peoples/

>                 Re: [Fwd: SAVE OUR PLANET. STATUS]
>     Dato:
>                 Mon, 21 Dec 1998 00:09:33 +0800
>        Fra:
>                 "Brian Jenkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>          Til:
>                 "TOES97 Newsgroup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>                 "U.P.secr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ole wrote in answer to Yves on  Sunday, 20 December 1998 4:18
> |Behind  all  war,  poverty,  hunger,  destruction  of  nature,  etc.,

    are  the  TNCs.  Therefore  it  is  the  aim  of  all  progressive
> |to  transfer the  economic  and  political  power  from  the
> |TNCs,  their  mass  media  monopoly  and  their  politicians,  to
> |peoples;  to  transfer  the  ownership  of  the
> |TNCs  from  a  handful  of  wealthy  people  to  the  whole  people
> |and to  introduce  democracy.
> |
> |Where  is  the  "destruction"  in  this  ? ?
> Some progressive thinkers may prefer to civilise the TNCs rather than
nationalise them. The ill-fated USSR experiments in democracy and
ownership transfer have sufficiently discredited that style of
> A well-nurtured child should be capable of tolerating alternatives!
> Brian Jenkins

> 1998.12.21
> Dear  Brian,
> WHAT exactly do you mean with "civilising" the TNCs,   WHO is
supposed  to do  it and HOW ?
> Is there any alternative to the democratic solution described in
> http://home4.inet.tele.dk/peoples  ?
> Ole

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