This is far too sophisticated for me. Tom has to bring it down a level or 
two for me to appreciate.


On Wed, 13 Dec 1995, Tom Walker wrote:

> Lord, forgive us our montages. As we forgive those who montage upon us. I 
> couldn't help but reframe Louis and Jim's "us prols against the perfessers" 
> thread in the context of the high falutin' casuistry of "identity politics. 
> So I've sampled some of Jim Jaszewski's remarks and follow them with Terry 
> McDonough's ironic commentary on the capriciousness of the identitarians. 
> IMHO, it shows how easy it is to step over the line from class analysis to 
> oppression fetishism. 
> Informality and grittiness::marxism
> as
> Socially constructed identity::non-whiteness
> Jim Jaszewski wrote:
> >It's become clear to me (and
> >others) that `academic' marxists/marxians/whatever suffer from an ACUTE
> >case of lack of grounding in the reality of class struggle.
> snip, snip
> >        Anyone who leaves a marxism List because they don't like the
> >informality and grittiness of it all isn't much of a marxist, IMO...
> Terry McDonough wrote:
> >Two comments from Americans in
> >the audience said that this notion was "dangerous" because it
> >threatened to make socially relative the essential categories of
> >identity politics.  Being white must be an empirically objective
> >category even if all others are the result of the endless play of
> >differences.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> "Only in mediocre art does life unfold as fate." -- Michael Ignatieff
> Tom Walker
> knoWWare Communications

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