On Wed, 13 Dec 1995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I was very interested in Terry McDonough's comments about Sam Bowles
>  being a "one-man crisis of Marxism," and the general drift to the Right
>  of a lot of left economists.  I've found the discussion of the Regulationists
>  interesting, but Terry has highlighted a broader phenomenon.  What
>  explains it?  Things are getting worse and worse, and its no time for 
> intellectuals to be in retreat.  Have people really become convinced by
>  the Fukuyama line that we've reached the end of history, that capitalism
>  is unbeatable?
> Andrew Kliman

Louis: Well, we were at the end of history about 7 years ago when the 
Berlin Wall fell, but it seems to have started up again with the French 
strikes. Edward Luttwak, the conservative ideologue, seems to have 
noticed this. I hope the left intelligentsia will catch up. Perhaps it's 
about time to stop worrying about whether the East Germans will be happy 
with the amount of bananas and x-rated videos a "command economy" can 
deliver and start to take a closer look at the disquietudes (is that a 
word?) under global capitalism.

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