On Tue, 19 Dec 1995, Terrence Mc Donough wrote:

> There may well be some confusion here, but there is more likely a 
> difference over the definition of basic Marxian categories.  In its 
> basic sense, to be productive, labor must be productive of surplus 
> value.  But this implies that several prior conditions have also been 
> met.  To have value that which is produced (yes - good or service, 
> tangible or intangible) must first have use value.  To be 
> reproductive of capitalist relations of production is insufficient to 
> meet this criterion.  Secondly, it must be a commodity, that is 
> produced for sale on a market.  Much of what is produced in 
> universities doesn't meet one or both of these conditions.            
> Thirdly there must be a relationship 
> of exploitation based on the extraction of surplus value.  The 
> existence of wage labor is only half of this relation.  There must 
> also be capitalists making profit.  The existence of a board of 
> directors/trustees is insufficient to meet this criterion precisely 
> because "internal political questions about the way orders are given 
> and received has no direct implication for the question of 
> exploitation."  

        Thanx for clearing up just a bit of the fog...

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