At 5:53 PM 1/17/96, John William Hull wrote:

>On Wed, 17 Jan 1996, Doug Henwood wrote:
>> I find them to be influential, in pure or diluted form, in anti-development
>> NGO circles and among funders. Though deep ecology and ecofeminism are
>> reported to be at odds - DE being seen as macho (living proof: Dave
>> Foreman) - Shiva has been embraced by to Esprit-founder Doug Tompkins'
>> Foundation for Deep Ecology, funder of the Wildlands project, which aims to
>> depopulate the rural western US. Tompkins also funds Jeremy Rifkin, who is
>> not without influence.
>Tompkins is quite influential, especially here in CA.  So Doug is right
>that we do have something to be concerned about.

Tompkins isn't only influential in California - he's actually moved to
Chile, where he's bought up a giant chunk of the country, supposedly as an
ecological preserve. Predictably this has provoked deep nationalist
resentment. Chilean enviros said that whatever ecological benefit this may
have is far outweighed by the degree to which he's discredited the
political cause.

Jeff St Clair of the Wild Forest Review says that Tompkins Foundation has
the strictest "Malthusian litmus test" of all. If you want their money you
have to sign onto population reduction, not merely the reduction of pop
growth or zero growth.



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
New York NY 10024-3217
+1-212-874-4020 voice
+1-212-874-3137 fax
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