The WSJ/NBC poll results shown below, from the WSJ web site, are pretty
amazing. When asked to choose between a system that taxes wages & capital
income equally and one that didn't tax capital income at all, 41% chose the
first and an incredible 36% the second. This shows a deep internalization
of right-wing economics among the masses. The reasoning is no doubt that
lighter taxes on capital will create more jobs and growth. Either that, or
there's been a mass outbreak of masochism in America.

In jousting with callers on talk radio, I'm frequently attacked by mid- and
downscale people for being so hostile to wealth; invariably they argue that
rich people have "earned" their money. Obviously there needs to be great
prosyletizing, aimed at demonstrating the origins of profit and interest in

17a. Would you prefer a graduated income tax system, in which people with
higher incomes pay a higher tax rate, or a flat tax system, in which
everyone pays the same tax rate regardless of income?

                                      1/96     9/95  4/21-25/95

Prefer graduated income tax system     54       57       56
Prefer flat tax system                 41       38       40
  Both equal (VOL)                      1        1        1
  Not sure                              4        4        3

17b. Do you think that your own taxes would be higher, lower, or about the
same under a flat tax system? *

Taxes would be higher              22
Taxes would be lower               20
Taxes would be about the same      43
  Depends (VOL)                     3
  Not sure                         12

* Asked of one-half the respondents.

17c. Would you prefer an income tax system that taxes both income from
investments and income from wages equally, or a system with higher taxes on
income from wages but no taxes on income from investments?

                                                        1/96*  9/95 4/21-25/95

Prefer income tax system that taxes both income from     41     54      57
investments and income from wages equally
Prefer system with higher taxes on income from wages     36     30      32
but no taxes on income from investments
  Depends (VOL)                                           3      -       -
  Both equal (VOL)                                        5      5       3
  Not sure                                               15     11       8

* Asked of one-half the respondents.



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
New York NY 10024-3217
+1-212-874-4020 voice
+1-212-874-3137 fax
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