This flame is ridiculous.  Jerry asked should we be silent .....  I answered,
"by all means."  No one is asking anybody to condone oppression.

Jerry has already made his case about Louis.  People on this list can either
conclude that Louis is a bad person and should be shunned or that we have
better things to do.

I guess I was responsible for the whole thread.  I said that I appreciated the
contributions of Doug and Louis.  I retract what I said.  They are both evil.

I have not asked anybody to leave the list since Malecki, but I do not want to
hear any more about this.  If you don't like Louis, Doug, Mark Jones or me,
just delete anything that one of the evil ones post.

Yes, I do want you to be silent.  I am sure that Paul Z. knew what I meant when
I asked for silence.  Enough already!

Mark Jones wrote:

> Paul Zarembka wrote:
> >First
> > they came for the gays, but I am not a gay; then they came for the
> > Trotskyists, but I am not a Trotskyite; then they came...; then they came
> > for me and no one was left".
> This would be the men in flapping white coats, presumably.
> Mark

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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