Carl Dassbach wrote,
> In my opinion, the assertion that "economic freedom" is positively
> correlated with average GDP . . . neither merits nor warrants attention.
It does merit attention if it is part of an attempt to discriminate 
among three different propositions:
            1. democracy promotes capitalism
            2. democracy has no systematic impact on capitalism
            3. democracy tends to hinder capitalism
(Ignoring, here, the impact of capitalism on political structure).
Each of these propositions are very interesting and are
worthy of being tested. I'm not sure which proposition
is "true."

Sloppy empirical tests of the above (if all existing tests 
are, indeed, sloppy) are helpful in showing that others should 
try to test the above propositions more carefully.

Eric Nilsson
Eric Nilsson
Department of Economics
California State University
San Bernardino, CA 92407

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