At 12:52 PM 1/29/96, C.N.Gomersall wrote:

>Stripped to its essentials, economic freedom is concerned with property
>rights and choice. Individuals are economically free if property they have
>legally acquired is protected from invasions or intrusions by others, and
>if they are free to use, exchange or give away their property so long as
>their actions do not violate other people's similar rights." And so on.

Without Marxian notions of exploitation, it's very difficult to refute this
sort of thing, further proof of the importance of what I called practical
Marxism the other day. How do liberals (American sense) respond to this? By
extending the notion of property to God- and/or Constitution-given
"rights"? That leads you to the elitist dead-end of litigation and Supreme
Court worship. Any liberals out there who can help me out?



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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