The publication AFL-CIO REVIEWS THE ISSUES is now available full-text in
PDF format at the following URL

For those in need of Labor's position on public policy issues, this is an
ideal publication. Issues dated October 1995 (No. 84) and later are
available online.
This periodical is issued irregularly. To date, the following topics are

Report No. 86, October 1995.
 Restore the Floor... It's time to raise the Minimum Wage.

Report No. 85, October 1995.
 Housing and the American Dream: Unions Have a Role; So Does Government.

Report No. 84, October 1995.
 Working But Poor in America.

Stuart Basefsky

Stuart M. Basefsky              *
Information Specialist          *
New York State School of        *
Industrial & Labor Relations    *
232 Ives Hall                   *
Ithaca, NY 14853-3901           *
Telephone: (607) 255-2184       *
Facsimile: (607) 255-9641       *
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        *

Michael H. Belzer
School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-3901
voice: (607) 255-6185
fax: (607) 255-0107

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