Greetings from Scotland, and thanks to Lou for his comments and analysis,
which seldom fail to be interesting and are usually pertinent, if not
always 100% accurate.

On accuracy, I'll just mention that the department at Duke that has
"imploded" is not the Literature Program (at which I did, and continue to
do, my PhD), but the English Department.

And while the press may consistently confuse various theoretical and
political tendencies--tarring them all with the same brush--it would be
unwise to repeat this move if one wants an effective analysis.  Thus
beware: not all poststructuralisms, postmodernisms or postmarxisms are
alike.  Specifically, in this case, Stanley Fish (former chair of the
English department) is an avowed conservative--if one worth listening
to--while Fred Jameson (chair of the Literature Program) is more
Marxist--of a Hegelian or Lukacsian variety--than postmarxist.

But the fact that the Literature Program (whose program is generally much
more recognizeably leftist) remains sturdy while serious problems have
been revealed in the (generally more conservative) English Department is
less, I think, a result of its political or theoretical orientation than
of rather different hiring strategies, relations among the faculty, and
the fact that it has always had fewer significant internal divisions. 

Not such an interesting story, but perhaps a more complicated one
concerning academic labor practices and corporate organization.

Meanwhile, rather than search for the apocryphal article that might
reflect how much I was shaken by the Sokal affair (and rather than take
the ironic reference to this affair at face value), perhaps better to look
at my article "Peronism and the Secret History of Cultural Studies: 
Populism and the Substitution of Culture for State," in _Cultural
Critique_ 39 (Spring 1998): 189-217.  This might also clarify, a little
better than can Lou, my position on the role of culture in politics. 

And education is bad for you whether you are at Duke, Aberdeen, or
anywhere else.  I know many said this on the old marxism list (Lou first
among them), but they sometimes forgot that you don't have to be outside
of academia to say it.  Indeed, some of us hope that we may be heard
saying it within academia.

Take care and regards to all, especially to Lou


Jon Beasley-Murray
Hispanic Studies
University of Aberdeen

Louis Proyect


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