AFL-CIO/Cornell Research Conference on Union Organizing

        On March 31 - April 2, 1996, the AFL-CIO and Cornell University's ILR
school will jointly sponsor the next Union/University Research Conference, on
the topic of UNION ORGANIZING.  The Conference will be in downtown Washington,
D.C.  The goal of the Conference is to bring together trade unionists with
academics from a wide range of disciplines who support workers' rights and who
are interested in high-quality research to learn as much as possible about
factors contributing to union success in the organizing process.

        More than 30 papers will be presented at the conference by an
group of academic researchers and trade unionists.  It is anticipated that a
collection of papers from the Conference will be published in book form later in
1996.  Conference participants will receive abstracts of the papers in advance.
The primary focus of the Conference will be on union organizing strategies,
which will be discussed both in the papers and in presentations from union
leaders, organizers and rank-and-file participants in union organizing
campaigns.  Participants will be encouraged to actively participate in all of
these discussions.

        If you have any questions, contact Kate Bronfenbrenner at Cornell,
(607)255-7581; E-Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]; or at the AFL-CIO:
Sheldon Friedman, (202)637-5310;
E-Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], or Vinnie O'Brien, (202)637-5287; FAX

        For an invitation to attend, complete and return the form attached
to the
Conference flyer by February 23.  To obtain a copy of the Conference flyer,
contact Sheldon Friedman at the AFL-CIO.

Michael H. Belzer
School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-3901
voice: (607) 255-6185
fax: (607) 255-0107

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