Doug Henwood asked,

>I've given up trying to get a response to this sort of thing from the
>cranks on PKT. Any reactions here?

In a word, "hubris".

>So today's WSJ article on Keynes says:
>But the 1990s boom has also had a distinctly reverse-Keynesian flavor.
>Countries that made the tough decisions to reduce their deficits have
>thrived, as supportive financial markets rallied, further discrediting the
>old Keynesian thinking. For a 1996 report on fiscal policy around the
>world, IMF economists conducted a detailed study of 62 attempts by
>industrial countries over the prior quarter-century to get their finances
>in order. The study concluded that the 14 cases where governments had been
>the most draconian -- notably Denmark and Ireland in the mid-1980s --
>resulted in the fastest growth. "The simple 'Keynesian' view of fiscal
>consolidation is that lower government purchases or higher taxes reduce
>aggregate demand," the report said. Instead, it concluded, "there may be a
>virtuous circle between economic growth and debt-ratio reduction."


Tom Walker 

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