In a message dated 99-02-02 10:11:07 EST, doug quotes a keynesian article:

<< For a 1996 report on fiscal policy around the
 world, IMF economists conducted a detailed study of 62 attempts by
 industrial countries over the prior quarter-century to get their finances
 in order. The study concluded that the 14 cases where governments had been
 the most draconian -- notably Denmark and Ireland in the mid-1980s --
 resulted in the fastest growth. "The simple 'Keynesian' view of fiscal
 consolidation is that lower government purchases or higher taxes reduce
 aggregate demand," the report said. Instead, it concluded, "there may be a
 virtuous circle between economic growth and debt-ratio reduction." >>

Keynes view on debt (at least the way I understand it) was that debt was good
when the economy was stalled at a less than full employment equilibrium.  When
an economy was expanding, I do believe he was opposed to continuing debt.
maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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