                            As with last week's strike, which virtually 
                            paralysed state-run hospitals, schools and 
                            other basic services for two days running, 
                            Borja said the new job action was aimed at 
                            forcing the government into revoking a 
                            fiscal adjustment programme due to take 
                            effect later this year.
_________________________   ===========================================

Monday, 28 September 1998

                Colombian workers plan new anti-austerity strike

BOGOTA -- Colombia's public sector workers, fresh from a 48-hour strike 
last week, are preparing an indefinite, nationwide work stoppage to force 
the government into shelving its economic austerity plan, union leaders 
said on Monday.

Wilson Borja, head of the 700,000-member public sector union known as 
Fenaltrase, told Reuters in a phone interview no definitive strike 
deadline had been set yet.

But he said October 7 was the most likely start date, and it would be 
voted upon at a union meeting Wednesday.

As with last week's strike, which virtually paralysed state-run 
hospitals, schools and other basic services for two days running, Borja 
said the new job action was aimed at forcing the government into revoking 
a fiscal adjustment programme due to take effect later this year.

The programme is designed to close gaping budget deficits that President 
Andres Pastrana inherited from the discredited administration of his 
predecessor, former president Ernesto Samper, when he took office last month.

But Borja and other labour leaders say it calls for too many sacrifices 
from Colombia's working-class, which is already burdened with 
double-digit inflation,  soaring unemployment and interest rates, and 
steadily eroding wages.

``The strike is because of the fiscal adjustment,'' he said, adding that 
the austerity measures planned by Pastrana's government represented ``an 
assault against all Colombians.''

Borja said he recognised the need to address the fiscal imbalances and 
economic crisis that were part of Samper's legacy to Pastrana.

But he said measures planned by Finance Minister  Juan Camilo Restrepo 
--including strict wage controls and a broad-based increase in the range 
of products and services subject to Colombia's onerous value-added tax-- 
sought to ram austerity down the throats of people already on the brink 
of poverty and serious social unrest.

``You can't solve a crisis by beating up on everyone,'' Borja said. 
``Sacrifices should only be made by those who are able to make them.''

As with last week's strike, the indefinite work stoppage would be backed 
by Colombia's militant state oil workers' union, known as USO.

But unlike last week, oil workers would seek to disrupt production the 
next time they downed tools, according to Cesar Carrillo, one of the 
USO's top bosses and a veteran labour activist.

        Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited
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