Gerry Levy:
>Moreover, too much of the content of posts has nothing to do of relevance
>for a "Progressive Economists Network". In fact, I would hazard to
>estimate that on this "economists" list, a majority of posts are written
>by non-economists. 
>There's way too much spam.

This is obviously a reference to me once again and I must take exception.
When I post to the Marxism list and PEN-L simultaneously, this is not spam.
Spam would be, for example, email sent promiscuously to hundreds of lists
about how to make $$$ in your spare time using your computer, or get free
access to hot sex websites.

When I send something to multiple lists, it is always something that is
carefully researched and written. I view the Internet as a serious
competitor to print media, which can only help to turn academic
publications into something more relevant to the lives of people outside
academia. I have been writing about indigenous societies for more than a
year. In point of fact, the main venue for these articles has been PEN-L
itself, which seems extremely relevant when you stop and think about it.
Precapitalist societies largely fall outside the venue of economics
departments and belong to anthropology, but this is largely a function of
academia's tendency to compartmentalize various fields.

Two of the articles I have posted to PEN-L have been reprinted in reputable
academic journals: Canadian Dimensions and Organization and Environment. I
was also asked to submit something to RRPE--a reply to David Harvey on
indigenous struggles--which is in the latest issue.

Your problem is that you have nothing to say. You are just trying to find
ways to provoke Doug or me into a flame war, but it won't work, Jery. Both
of us are above that kind of nonsense, as is Barkley, or anybody else who
used to waste this most valuable of resources. You are stuck in a
time-warp, from 3 or 4 years ago, when many of these left-wing mailing
lists were boiling over with personal feuds and psychodrama of one sort or
another. Everybody has moved on, except you.

Louis Proyect


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