Mark Jones wrote:

> Michael has repeatedly asked for this absurd flaming to stop. Is it not
> time to DO something to stop it?

The day before Mark Jones wrote (to Paul Zarembka):

> This (i.e. those arresting Paul Z, JL) would be the men in flapping
> white costs, presumably.

Is this what you had in mind by "absurd flaming"? Did you want Michael to
condemn you for that slur against long-time and long-respected pen-l
member Paul Z? That would have been nice. Instead, Michael threatened Paul
and myself. Why? Because we think that solidarity is something more
than a slogan. We think that solidarity and opposition to homopobia,
cop-baiting, etc. extends to pen-l as well. Michael thinks that there are
so many other "more important" topics to discuss. What is more important
than solidarity? 


PS1: Let us remember that Michael himself initiated this discussion when
he asked for feedback on the performance of pen-l. In my original post I
mentioned no one by name. Louis P chose to respond to that honest attempt
of mine to answer Michael's questions with a bunch of personal insults and
libelous accusations. Michael did not respond to that flame. Indeed, I
would say that Michael has acted very one-sidedly in this whole affair.
I (and others) had expected better from you, Michael.

PS2: Note well that Jones has not denied making his absurd, homophopic,
and cop-baiting remark about the _New Left Review_. Indeed, he can not
deny making that remark since it is part of the public archives of the
m-int list. Nor has he attempted to defend that remark on pen-l. Why not?
Because there is no defense or excuse for such an outrageous statement.

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