Yes, it was certainly amiss of me to call Gerry Levy un ouanquere. Two wrongs
don't make a right and I was wrong to respond to his initial flaming of myself
and Lou Proyect in the same manner.


Paul Zarembka wrote:

> Martin Niemoeller's own personal history is not so great and it is in fact
> that personal history that drove his comment.  Niemoeller had NOT opposed
> the rise of Nazism as he hated the Weimar Republic.  It was ONLY after
> Hilter was in power that he realized his own error.  In other words, he
> waited on the sidelines until it was too late, he waited as the gays,
> communists, Jews, etc. were attacked, waited perhaps while ugly words were
> being thrown down, waited perhaps even as a "few murders" and assaults
> occured by "extremists" within the Nazi movement, waited until the die was
> cast.
> He "greatness" was in having had the moral courage to resist as soon as he
> realized his error, beginning in 1934 if I remember correctly, and to
> resist when the "price" was high to himself.
> The price to me of resisting attacks on gays, cop-baiting, etc., whether
> by the right or within the "left" is so low (at least for the time being),
> relative to the price Niemoeller faced, as to not be worth mentioning.
> Niemoeller, who died in 1984 (I believe he survived 7 years in Nazi
> concentration camps), would be highly unlikely to disagree or to recommend
> the "silence" Michael P. has recommended.
> Paul Zarembka
> P.S.  Mark Jones, if you don't want flames don't start one by calling
> Jerry Levy "un ouanquere".
> *************************************************************************
> Paul Zarembka, on OS/2 and supporting   RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY  at
> **********************
> Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 08:00:32 +0100
> From: Mark Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [PEN-L:285] Re: Martin Niemoeller on "silence"
> I think most people who subscribe to this list know who pastor Niemoller
> was and know the quote Zarembka cites practically by heart. Personally,
> I could feel a little insulted at being likened to the Nazis in this way
> (relax, Paul, no-one is coming for you, that I know of); but I think
> most normal people would feel more concerned for the insult to the
> memory of a very great man, to see his name taken in vain in this way. I
> really do not feel there is much comparison between the fate of
> communists, Jews, gypsies, Russians and millions of others whose lives
> were extinguished in the Nazi holocaust, and that of comfortable
> American academics who seem more concerned to find enemies on the left
> than on the right.
> Michael has repeatedly asked for this absurd flaming to stop. Is it not
> time to DO something to stop it?
> Mark

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