You don't  believe that capitalism has progressive aspects? I thought you were a
How can you hold both that capitalism has no progressive aspects and that you
are a Marxist at one and the same time? THere are numerous passages in  Marx
filled with praises of capitalism's progressive features, of the manner in which
it releases the productive forces of nature and frees people from feudal bonds.

      CHeers , Ken Hanly

Louis Proyect wrote:

> Doug:
> >Seeing the world in black and white makes writing polemic a lot easier, but
> >it's not very helpful. I was reacting to your preposterous claim that
> >Nigeria has seen "plenty of investment," which is why the phrase was in
> >quotes. Nigeria has not had "plenty of investment," it's had too little and
> >of a very distorted sort. Here's the full exchange. I especially like the
> >way you forgot to quote the "It's been plundered" part.
> Doug, we have political differences that no amount of quoting in context or
> out of context will change. You believe that capitalism has some
> progressive aspects, while I believe that it has none. That is what the
> debate is about.
> Louis Proyect
> (

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