Mark Laffey queries:

Patrick Mason equates large Africa-American populations in the South with cult-
ural diversity: am I missing something here?

Ah, well, Mark you're missing the entire context of my remarks. 1) I placed
"cultural diversity" in quotes in my remarks. You've removed the quotes and
hence altered the meaning of my statement. 2) I only wanted to demonstrate
that the current "browning" of America is not new. In the past, indigenous
groups, Latinos, Asian- and African-Americans have been a larger fraction of
the U.S. population than those groups (collectively) are today.

So, my brief missive was simply a clarification of a posting by Shawgi Tell.
Finally, as a statement of basic math, if one measures "cultural diversity"
by the ratio  persons of European descent:persons of non-European descent,
then the massive European immigration into the U.S. during say 1870-WWI
reduced U.S. "cultural diversity." Of course, the large flow of immigrants
from Europe were heavily Catholic and Jewish -- and thereby culturally
distinct from WASPS -- but recent fears about and animosity towards
today's immigrants have nothing to do with religion or language. The current
negative attitudes are about racism.

peace, patrick l mason

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