>"William S. Lear" wrote:
>> I was told that John Dewey was a harsh critic of Maria Montessori, I
>> think during the 50s or thereabouts.  Anyone know of this?  Anyone
>> have opinions on Montessori schools (I went to one when I was young,
>> and my wife and I are considering putting our son in one).

This is probably off-topic, but my daughter attended a Montessori preschool.
It was a good choice for her, and she loved it. Sometimes I thought it was a
little rigid, but anyone who's been around pre-schoolers knows they can be
obsessively orderly -- they are busy trying to divide the world up into
categories, and they like certainty. So it basically fit her needs. The one
really positive thing was that the school pushed her to do things it never
would have occurred to me as a parent that she was ready for. I tended to
see her as a baby still.

And my symphathies to Michael Yates on the student situation. I have the
best employment law class I've ever had at the moment. They make teaching at
8 am worth it.

Ellen Dannin

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