
> But any such suggestion is horsecrap.  The richest 1% of families in 
> the US holds 49% (!) of all publicly held stock; the richest 10% hold 
> 85% of all stocks. And in 1992 only 14% of individuals over 15 
> received dividends.  [Data are from the CPE's New Field Guide to the 
> US Economy].  Paints a little different picture, no?

This data ignores the impact of pension funds, 401(k), IRAs.  The numbers
look much less dramatic when this is factored in although they're still
highly skewed.  The same book puts "the total assets of corporate, state
and local employee benefit funds" at "over $3 trillion" adding that
most "is in the hands of employers who invest it as they see fit."

Dan Epstein

> Gil 
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