The Brecht Forum

The New York Marxist School
122 West 27 Street, 10 floor
New York, New York 10001
(212) 242-4201
(212) 741-4563 (fax)

The Poverty of Nations and the New Imperialism

a talk by Alan Freeman

Wednesday, March 20 at 8 pm

The world today confronts two indissolubly-linked problems.
First, why, despite unceasing technical advance, do growing
poverty and misery reign in most of the world? Second, why
has the entry of the former USSR and Eastern European
countries into the market, contrary to expert prediction,
led to a collapse in living standards and an unparalleled
crisis in all aspects of production and political life?

Alan Freeman is a lecturer at the University of Greenwich in
the UK. He co-edited _Ricardo, Marx, and Sraffa_ with Ernest
Mandel and _Marx and Non-Equilibrium Economics_ with
Guglielmo Carchedi.

Admission is $6.


Please note that the talk, "A Terrible Peace to Follow a
Terrible War" with Bogden Denitch scheduled for Tuesday,
March 19 has been cancelled. This will be rescheduled for a
later date.


The 1996 Socialist Scholars Conference will take place from
April 12 through April 14 at Borough of Manhattan Community
College, 199 Chambers Street, New York City. This year's
theme is "Two Cheers for Utopia: Re-Imagining Socialism."
For more information contact the SSC at (212) 642-2826 or
fax to (212) 642-2419 or e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


All Brecht Forum lectures are available on audiotape for $8.
To order, make check or money order payable to *The Brecht
Forum* and mail to The Brecht Forum, 122 West 27 Street, 10
floor, New York, New York 10001. For orders outside the
U.S., please send an international money order or bank check
payable in U.S. funds and enclose an additional US$5 per
order to cover the cost of air postage.


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