The Veblen Society for the History and Philosophy of Economics 

Our next meeting will be held on April 20th, 1996, at the Conference Center
of De Paul University, 1 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago.       

Our distinguished speakers will be:
9:30 a.m.        Ann Jennings, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, "Social vs.
Biological Concepts of Evolution"
1:30 p.m.        Geoff Hodgson, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, "The
Reaction Against Biological Metaphors in Economics and the Decline of

PARKING: is available at Wabash just south of the University. To obtain the
De Paul rate, get your ticket verified at the information desk, first floor
of the Conference Center.
MEETING ROOM: see monitor at information desk for room number.
LUNCH: 12:00  To defray the cost of lunch and reproduction of the papers, we
request that you send a check for $15 payable to the Veblen Society.
John Davis, Marquette University 
Philip Mirowski, University of Notre Dame

April 20, 1996, 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. , De Paul University, Chicago

NAME _______________________

ADDRESS ____________________


PHONE ______________________                                                   

E-MAIL  ______________________

Please indicate your participation and return this form with check to:

Philip Mirowski, Economics Department, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame,
IN 46556-5639

_____ Lunch 

_____ Send copies of both papers (reservations must be received by April 3rd
to receive papers by mail)

_____ $15 check to Veblen Society enclosed 

For more information:  phone:  (219) 631-8294   or e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sylvia A. Phillips                                    PH:  219-631-8294
416 Decio Hall                                    FAX:   219-631-8209
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN  46556-5644

Assistant to:
Dr. Maureen Hallinan                           Dr. Philip Mirowski
White Chair of Sociology &                Koch Chair of Economics 
President of the                              &  the History of Science
American Sociological Association

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