Michael Hoover wrote:

>Freud & Marx: different kinds of materialism...any comments on below?
>Michael Hoover
>Philip Green, _Cracks in the Pedestal: Ideology & Gender in Hollywood_,
>pp. 4...
>'"Ideology" has meaning only as an account of an individual's
>transactions with a structured social whole, but psychoanalytic
>theorizing always stands in danger of reducing social relationships
>to a mother-child dyad, or a nuclear family triad, and thus
>vitiating the concept of ideology.'

Absolutely. Freud himself dropped a few hints about social influences - he
spoke of children as developing ego ideals appropriate to their "family,
class, and nation," a phrase about which you could write a book. But
there's not much more than that. Althusser said that psychoanalysis deals
with the time before the subject becomes a political being. Adorno, Butler,
Zizek, and the rest of the gang use psa to analyze ideology, how we are
inserted into it, how it sustains ourself in us & vice versa, our little
compromises with and rebellions against it. The dying breed Lou was talking
about - the big bucks West End Ave analysts, the New York Psychoanalytic
Institute types - aren't much interested in that. I heard in the 1970s that
the leading presenting complaint to such analysts was an inability to
finish a dissertation.


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