On Mon, June 1, 1998 at 13:17:48 (-0700) Michael Perelman writes:
>I would like to hear more about this.  Programming is becoming more
>and more industrialized, but business is not making a lot of progress
>in harnessing this industrialization.  Few big projects are finished
>on time and many are abandoned.  We have some experts on the list who
>could comment on this.  But programmers do not see themselves as
>workers, from what I have seen.

I think it works like this: Michael is right, business is having a
hard time harnessing programmers.  The nature of the work makes it
difficult to strangle people too much; they have to be free to a
certain extent to think for themselves.  Software is also a very
difficult thing for which to develop accurate metrics for
productivity.  Chaos seems to rule, controlled more or less, wherever
I have worked.  Another thing about software development: you get much
higher quality when you allow extensive and relatively free worker
communication.  This, dreadfully, can lead to all things like
confidence, solidarity, etc.

Combine these and you get relatively high-cost labor that must be
given a bit more leash than other workers, and that may not feel the
need for union protection.  Also, a great deal of programming is
"black-art" sort of stuff.  Accountants learn their stuff in school;
lots of programmers learn their stuff "on the street", or bake up
their own approaches, which often work as well or better than that
taught in schools.  This perhaps leads to a bit of the elitism

Industry is particularly prone to every imaginable technical fad that
promises "reuse", which really means component programming, which
really means component programmers.  Object-oriented programming was
supposed to be a silver bullet, but it has always suffered from
feverish claims of its benefits far outweighing what actually

I'm curious to know about how "staffing structures" affects unionizing
efforts, though.


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