I don't remember exactly when the crisis was but I think your 
characterization of the post-crisis events as an Albanian invasion is 
not quite accurate.  The KLA is, to the best of my knowledge, 
made up of native 'Serbians' -- ethnic Albanians who have lived for 
generations in the Serbian province of Kosovo (which they have 
been in the process of ethnic cleansing of native ethnic Serbs for 
decades.)  What the riots and crisis in Albania did produce was 
raids on police and army bases resulting in the seizure of large 
volumes of sophisticated arms which have been smuggled into 
Kosovo to arm the KLA and which has allowed the KLA to mount a 
fairly effective guerrilla campaign against the Yugoslav police and 
army in Kosovo.  I think it is highly likely that if the KLA succeeds 
(with military and political aid from the US and NATO) the process 
will repeat itselft in the western part of Macedonia where ethnic 
Albanians are gradually cleansing the area of Macedonians (slavs) 
and which is also coveted as a part of 'greater Albania' by the 

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba

> Pen-L,
> Does anyone recall in what month and year the Albanian stock
> market(ponzi scheme) collapsed?  I'm pretty sure it was two or three
> years ago---anyone remember the exact month and year.
> Next question does anyone see a connection between the Albanian stock
> market collapse and the Albanian invasion of Serbia?
> Your email pal,
> Tom L.

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