"Peter E. Pflaum, Ph.D. Institute for Human Resources (904) 428-9609
     RE: Libertarian Economics - The New World Order
     The new "fast lane" people are quite Libertarian.
     Legalize drugs (or don't enforce the laws ), privatize
     as much as possible, they desire and need a society of
     low taxes and high returns - little regulation. (torte
     reform) - the new economics requires new fast
     developing institutions, spin offs, free competition,
     and creative enterprise. Unlike the traditional
     capitalist, these firms are information rich, rather
     than capital or labor intensive. Innovation is the name
     of the game - re-tool every five years, next generation
     products are always in the pipeline. How about re-
     inventing government - really re-inventing government. 
     Spin off to the states or regional grouping the
     administration of welfare, education, health,
     unemployment and social programs. Privatize not only
     Air Traffic Control but Social Security Administration
     ( as much of Medicare is ) make Medicaid a HMO with
     private contractors (Several states are trying to do
     this) - Close down HUD, Energy, put Labor in with
     Education as Human Resources, Agriculture and Interior
     as Natural Resources (Some trees now are Agriculture
     others are Interiors),
     Seven Agency Plan:
     Dept. Of State
     Treasury (include commerce )
     Law Enforcement - Atty General - DEA - INS - ATF - 
     Natural Resources (Agriculture, Interior, Energy)
     Human Resources (Health and Social Services, Education, 
          Labor, Veterans Affairs, HUD)
     Transportation & Science and Technology - NSF -        
     foundations - Smithsonian - Misc. 
     The New Deal agenda was a response to the excesses of
     industrial capitalism. Social insurance, unemployment
     benefits, workers compensation and welfare, labor
     relations, even farm policy was a political balance of
     majority interest, (there are more workers than owners)
     to smooth the edges of corporate capitalism. The
     Democratic Party was a sort of Labor Party, plus
     minority interest, big cities, plus academic and media
     liberals. The decline in unions, central cities, ethic
     minorities (of the type organized by city political
     machines) has led to the decline of their traditional
     If the new model organization is high tech -
     information rich, fast, flexible, Z style organization
     - MicroSoft Campus like - 3M - enterprise - adventures
     then the social requirements are freedom of action,
     without excessive regulation, taxes, or interference.
     Regulation has been used by the big old firms to limit
     change - telecommunications being a prime example. The
     Air Traffic Control System demonstrates the problems of
     big bureaucracies in keeping up with the rapid change
     in technology. 
     the bottom line:
     :70/00/budget95 Fednet - commerce -
     If you have $1300 in monthly income and have fixed
     deductions of $1000 it gives you a net check of $300 -
     and your cost of living - rent, food etc is $550
     you are in trouble - (fixed payments, $220 interest,
     $350 Social Security,  $150 Medicare, $90 Medicaid, 
     $70 retirement, $100 social welfare, misc $60)
     What everyone should know: You have to cut somewhere
     or/and raise income.
     without new taxes, and a major reduction in defense and
     The figures include receipts going up 300+ B - or 45 b
     a year - 1350 b to 1650 expenditures do the same, from
     1550 b to 1850 b. leaving a structural deficit of
     200+ billion a year - a debt of 5,000 to 6,500 b or our
     current GDP. The interest costs are killing us now - if
     we had a lower debt we would have a lower deficit --
     Interest = deficit = 200 b - little - figures give some
     idea of what is required; Defense would go down by 10
     b, and non-defense by the same amount -  
     Cabinet Agencies:  Agriculture   (excluding  
     Programs).....   14,052   15,018   14,170   14,241   
     Commerce.......   3,216    3,632    4,187    4,502    
     Defense........ 262,617  249,979  252,850  244,200 
     Education......  23,696   24,354   26,060   26,305 
     Energy.........  19,262   18,614   18,010   18,282 
     Health and
      Human Services   31,608   34,318   35,414   36,193   
     Housing and   Urban
      Development...   25,524   25,105   26,064   33,537   
     Interior.......    7,078    7,512    7,231    7,346   
     Justice........    9,315    9,376   12,144   14,343  
     Labor..........    9,920   10,561   11,694   11,987  
     State..........    4,928    5,289    4,860    4,713  
     Transportation.   13,514   11,186   13,543   13,194  
     Treasury.......   10,082   10,339   10,350   10,790  
       Affairs.......  16,701   17,584   17,812   18,281 
     Major Agencies:
      Appalachian Regional
       Commission....      190      249      187      187    
        Institutions..  ......      144      144      111    
      Corporation for   Public
       Broadcasting..      319      275      293      312    
      Corps of
        Engineers.....    3,842    3,915    3,315    3,724   
      District of
       Columbia......      688      700      722      722    
      Environmental   Protection
       Agency........     6,923    6,659    7,163    7,395   
      Executive   Office of the
       President.....      236      185      190      190    
     Equal   Employment   Opportunity
       Commission....      222      230      246      246   
      Federal   Emergency   Management
       Agency........    2,573      800      704      704    
      General   Services
       Administration      275      522    1,600      172    
      International   Programs   (other than   the State
       Department....   16,266   15,528   16,001   15,917  
      Legal Services
       Corporation...      357      400      500      500  
      National   Aeronautics   and Space
       Admin.........   14,309   14,466   14,300   14,400
      National   Archives and
       Records Admin.      168      192      197      197    
      197      197      197
      National   Endowment for
       the Arts......      174      170      170      170    
      National   Endowment for
       the Humanities      177      177      177      
      National Labor   Relations
       Board.........      170      171      175      175    
      National   Science
       Foundation....    2,734    3,018    3,200    3,234   
      National   Service
       Initiative....      279      575      850    1,359  
      Office of   Personnel
       Management....      123      123      117      114   
      Postal Service.      122       91       92       92    
      Railroad   Retirement
       Board.........      395      378      362      348  
      Securities and   Exchange
       Commission....      127       58      306      319
      Small Business
       Administration      925      740      806      798    
       Institution...      405      403      487      458   
      Tennessee   Valley
       Authority.....      135      140      140      140    
      Allowances.....  .......  .......   -1,155      818   
      All Other
       Agencies......    1,297      921    1,134    1,164   
     Judicial Branch.    2,367    2,556    2,893    2,893 
      Branch.........    2,313    2,307    2,545    2,699   
     Total...........  509,624  498,816  512,250  517,682  
225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach    * IN THE WORLD - 
FL 32169-2176 (904) 428-9609      * BUT NOT OF THE WORLD

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