First, I suspect that someone may react against me here in Norway grandly
prescribing the break-up of the U.S. .Take my opinions and speculations
for what they are worth. That said, some further remarks.

Michael Lichter replies to me:

> the U.S. isn't a bunch of cobbled-together set of
> historical nations in the way that the ex-USSR was/Russia is.

First: Then you must have some sympathy for the idea of substituting
the Russian superstate with smaller nation states?

Secondly: IMO it isn't a prerequisite for the establishing of a nation
that the territory is clearly different from adjoining territories in
culture, language, history etc. IMO an argument for not-too-large
national territories is simply that the larger the unit the less
democracy, and therefore also worse economics and welfare. This as a
very general rule of course, with a lot of exceptions in the real

The Taiwan/PRC example already introduced by me is an example of the
above:  They have milleniums of common history, similar language, culture,
etc., and should by those criteria be a self-evident part of the
mainland-based nation.  In spite of this, IMO, they should not today be
fusioned without the consent of a clear majority in both countries,
expressed in a referendum after a democratic and informed discussion.
(If there are Chinese or Far East researchers on this list,
I am very interested in their comments).

> > (me:) Btw, does the silence on PEN on my support for a "two-China" solution
> > mean that all you other left-wingers support that view? If so,
> > interesting...
> (Michael:) I didn't know this was an issue for anybody but the Chinese.

Now, Michael, what did you intend with this remark? I choose to exclude
the possibility of sarcasm, and take this up on its face
value. Do you by this mean that participants on this list who are not
Chinese should abstain from discussing and voicing opinions on the
PRC/Taiwan issue? If so, you must mean that one shall abstain from
discussing any issue that one is not able to influence, or have the
right to decide. Being a political animal, I disagree enormously.

> > (me:) Why not break up the MNC's also?? 
> (Michael:) How?

Well, in Norway our relatively small on world scale, but large in
Norway, MNCs Norsk Hydro and Statoil are state-owned, so they may in
principle be broken up by gvt. decision. But this is not very
interesting, since they are medium-sized on a world scale, and the
really large MNC's are private. I don't think it is easy to break up
MNC's, but I have given a challenge to penners who disagree with me to
explain why it is impossible for nations to control such MNC operations as
unfettered capital flows and foreign takeovers. I am waiting for
replies. If such controls are implemented worldwide, IMO it is not of
any great negative importance if a corporation remains large and

> An increase in formal
> democracy is not necessarily an increase in substantive democracy.  It
> depends on the context. 

Of course, but this has no bearing on our disagreement. 

> Further, you can accuse me of imposing my
> "moral superiority", ...

I haven't and I don't.

> ... but I'm not so postmodern ..

Neither am I, believe me!

> ... that I don't have
> principles that can't be compromised.

Of course again, don't we all have? The question of _how_ to choose how
to influence wrongs in other parts of the world is not answered by your

in earnest non-postmodernism,


| Trond Andresen  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |
| lecturer                                      |
| Department of Engineering Cybernetics         |
| The Norwegian Institute of Technology         |
| N-7034 Trondheim, NORWAY                      |
|                                               |
| phone (work)  +47 73 59 43 58                 |
| fax   (work)  +47 73 59 43 99                 |
| private phone +47 73 53 08 23                 |
|                                               |
|,Trond |

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