On Tue, 10 Jan 1995, D Shniad wrote:

> Brezhinsky was on the CBC last week, railing against the outrageous
> position being taken by Clinton and the Stat4e Department, which have
> been comparing Yeltsin's role as akin to that of Lincoln (as a
> nationa saver).
> Sounds weird, but it's hard to disagree with Brezhinsky.
> Sid Shniad
 Brzezinski--he would not thank you for spelling his Polish name in a
Russian manner-- is sort of right, but for a hateful reason. He's a
near-psychotic anti-Russian Polish chauvinist. He wants to see Russia
destroyed. When he was Carter's national security adviser and they were
discussing new nuclear targeting doctine, Zbig expressed his wish that
U.S. warheads be targeted in such a way as to kill as many Russians as
possible. You mean Soviets, Harold Brown (SecDef) said? No, said Zbig, I
mean Russians.

--Justin Schwartz

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