On Wed, 6 Sep 1995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>       It seems to me that you, and perhaps Microsoft, are
> assuming that people with 286 and 386/486 without much memory
> or hard drive space will upgrade their PCs to accomodate Windows
> 95.  Without this very key and perhaps incorrect assumption, it
> seems to me that upgrading windows 3.1 to 3.2 would be an excellent
> opportunity for Microsoft to increase its profit base.  

        Hey, it's not ME who's putzing around here -- I've always wanted 
to run Windoze on a 286 with 2 Megs..!

        Since your above surmising has not come to pass (nor will it
apparently ever), I put it to you that MicroShaft is _indeed_ following
this strategy.  Not only that, but since the more powerful Windows NT
needs even MORE memory, the case is easily made that MicroSloth is trying
to pull users such as yourself in that very direction with an intermediary
product:  Windoze 95. (`Cairo' is on the horizon...)

>       Since a Windows 3.2 version would presumable to include all
> the bells and wistles available in Windows 95, I truly wonder
> how big of a competitor it would be.  It seems that people who
> are going to have a large interest in Windows 95 at least to begin
> with are those who feel they "need" to be on the technological edge...
> whatever that means.  

        MicroShill shows every indication of letting WIN3.1/3.11 users 
stew in their juices till they finally give-up and shell-out for the 
WIN95 upgrade... If that means a hardware upgrade -- well, so be it...

>       I will be curious to hear what Jim and others have to say
> about this potential alternative to Jim's initial hypothesis.

        Potential, but not actual in _this_ dimensional universe..!  :>

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Those who would give up essential Liberty,              Benjamin Franklin
to purchase a little temporary Safety,                  Pennsylvania Assembly
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.                     Nov. 11, 1755
Jim Jaszewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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