Thank you Elaine Bernard for dismissing J Case's use of Trotskyist as a
term of abuse in his/her response to my New Party critique. Apparently it's
a favorite term of New Partisans, since that's how they characterized my
1993 pieces on the Party; maybe it has something to do with their CP
connections in NYC. Or maybe it's just a reflex on the part of lefties with
refractory ties to the Democrats.

I don't deny for a second that there are many fine people at the grassroots
level of the NP. But I wonder if the strategy of fusion with the Dems will
end up betraying and/or burning out these grassroots people. From what I
saw in NYC, the leadership was more interested in cutting deals than it was
it building a mass membership. Now it may be that NYC is not a fair
representation of national politics; certainly things here can be unusually
hidebound and toxic. But NYC is the perfect example of how the links
between good lefties and the Dems result in truly awful politics and
government; there's nothing more dispiriting than to hear otherwise
intelligent social democrats tell you what a great guy David Dinkins is. Or
how Mario Cuomo, prison-builder extraordinaire, is a must-re-elect. The
betrayals and failures of Dinkins and Cuomo are precisely the reason that
both lost to right-wing Republicans. They are precisely the kind of figure
a new party should be targeting - but the New Party did nothing of the

NYC may not be representative, yes, but neither are Madison and Little
Rock. Perhaps from tiny acorns etc etc, but I'm afraid transforming
national politics is a lot more akin to the NYC environment than it is to
pleasant burgs in the heartland.

Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
New York NY 10024-3217
212-874-4020 voice
212-874-3137 fax

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