Students of US politics might be interested in the following, just out from
the Times Mirror Center for People and the Press. Note that 2/3 of the
population are nonvoters, and their answers are virtually identical to Dem


Point 1: Only 17% of the American public voted for the "Republican
Revolution." The public at large, and even the probable electorate for
1996, have different views about government, social spending, and the
values debate than those who voted Republican on November 8th. The
difference is worth keeping in mind as we judge "public" reactions to the
work of the new Congress.

                1994 Voting Blocks and Their Differing Values

                                GOP     Dem     non-
                               voters  voters  voters

government is almost always
  wasteful & inefficient         78      57      57
government often does a better
  job than people give it
  credit for                     19      40      40
neither/both equally/don't know   3       3       4

poor people today have it easy
  because they can get gov't
  benefits wihtout doing any-
  thing in return                61      41      41
poor people have hard lives
  because government benefits
  don't go far enough            25      50      49
neither/both equally/don't know  14       9      10

percent of total public          17      16      67


Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
New York NY 10024-3217
212-874-4020 voice
212-874-3137 fax

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