Treacy: There are differences between what I would call the Latin Church 
and the old Irish Dominated Catholic Church.  Don't knock the old nuns. 
They may have laid guilt trips on us but did not let us carry nines, do 
drugs, or goof off. 

See Andrew Greely and Rossiti's study on the comparing outcomes of 
parocial education with public.  Of course that was before he got into 
writing steamy novels of priestly sex lives. 

On Tue, 24 Jan 1995, Jim Devine wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Jan 1995 21:18:45 -0800 bill mitchell said:
> >Jim:
> >
> >religion is one of things that it is difficult to have choice over. the
> >Roman catholics particularly get innocent minds when they are young and lay
> >heavy guilt trips on them with the most preposterous range of mystical
> >claims about things more reasoned people call natural - including natural
> >body functions. even when they grow older and see beyond it, the guilt often
> >remains to haunt their sexuality and other personal areas of their lives.
> >
> >it is not okay to do this to children.
> You'll be glad to know that, at least here in the US, that this
> Catholic tradition of education is falling apart.  More and more,
> non-Catholic parents are choosing to send their kids to Catholic
> schools to impose a disciplined environment on them (compared to
> the more chaotic inner-city public schools, where discipline
> sometimes comes from gangs). At the same time, the nuns are
> in scarce supply while my impression is that the guilt-and-
> crack-the-knuckles stuff has moderated.  Vatican II and all
> that.
> Maybe I'm too blase' about this stuff because I'm only an
> excommunicated Unitarian and never encountered a
> Catholic education (except very indirectly via my pa: it
> definitely messed him up).
> in pen-l solidarity,
> Jim Devine
> Econ. Dept., Loyola Marymount Univ., Los Angeles, CA 90045-2699 USA
> 310/338-2948 (daytime, during workweek); FAX: 310/338-1950
> "Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti."
> (Go your own way and let people talk.) -- K. Marx, paraphrasing
> Dante.

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