On Tue, 14 Feb 1995, Doug Henwood wrote:

> When did economists start (over)using the word "story"? Anyone know the
> pedigree of turn of phrase?

I can't give a history, but I take Doug's point.  Seems to me the term
'story' is very much part of the 'model'/'story' pair.  That is,
neoclassical econ having become excessively enamoured of mathematical
models -- to the point where their manipulation becomes the sole truly
legitimate occupation of the professional economist -- any attempt to
motivate such models by reference to certain features of the real, or
to interpret the results obtained in terms of real processes, is set
off as 'story'-telling. 

Allin Cottrell 
Department of Economics 
Wake Forest University
(910) 759-5762

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