An udpate on Union for Radical Political Economics deadlines for any who are
interested in both the URPE summer conference in Camp Chinqueka, Connecticut and
the URPE at ASSA sessions in New Orleans.

1. URPE at ASSA deadline for submissions should be the last week of May.  New
organizers this year are Al Campbell and Mumtaz Keklik of the University of
Utah, Dept. of Economics, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84112.  Email is:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and phone is: (801)585-3521.  The organizing of the URPE at
ASSA has been ceded by the URPE members at the American University to their URPE
comrades/colleagues at the University of Utah.
     If you need a registration form, you can get it from the organizers, or you
can get it from the Winter URPE newsletter.   You can ask for the newsletter by
emailing the URPE National Office at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or phone: (617)776-5888.
Either Bryan Snyder or Germai Medhanie who both work at and are members of URPE
will gladly send you a copy of the newsletter if you did not receive one (hmmm,
that may mean your dues aren't paid up!)

2.  URPE Summer Conference.  Informal camp atmosphere, in rural Connecticut.
Meet the people you read about in radical economics, as they wander around the
camp in shorts drinking beers (or coffee).  August 24-27, 1996 (That's a
Saturday to Tuesday). Theme: The New Class Warfare.  Special sessions in honor
of David Gordon, URPE founder and member, who passed away earlier this year.
     Registration forms are in the Spring newsletter (to be at your doorstep in
the next couple of weeks, if you are on the mailing list).  We'll have a
cyberspace sign up in a few weeks (I'll have copies of that:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], although you do have to send in real money, not just
cyber-money to register).
     Deadline will be mid-July.  More on this later.

If you have any questions, you can contact me or the URPE National Office.

Susan Fleck
URPE Steering Committee

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