What is especially surprising about Nadler's current
position is that he was very early in adopting the view of
no Social Security crisis. And supported it by citing
Henwood's work. June
June Zaccone, National Jobs for All Coalition

Tom Lehman wrote:
> Dear June,
> I too was surprised to read Nadler's comments.  I had been led to
> believe that he was going to oppose privatization---matter of fact the
> Cleveland ADA had invited him to Cleveland for that reason or so I was
> told.  Now from what I understand he wants to invest 30% of the social
> security trust fund in the stock market!
> Doug Henwood, who I believe was the first to examine the actuaries
> numbers and call the so-called crisis phony, is also one of Nadlers
> constituents.  Possibly, Doug will comment?  Hey, how about Henwood for Congress!
> Your email pal,
> Tom L.

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