Michael Eisenscher forwarded a column

>Study Considers Worst Case If Asia
>By Clay Chandler
>Washington Post Staff Writer
>Saturday, August 1, 1998; Page C01
>Call it the Asian Armageddon scenario:
>Instead of getting better, Asia's economic crisis just gets
>worse -- lots worse. Policy goofs in Tokyo trigger a run on
>Japanese markets. Several big Japanese banks go bust.
>The yen nose dives, China chops the value of its currency
>and other currencies in Asia plunge anew. And as what
>once was the most economically vibrant region in the world
>lurches into depression, a cash-strapped International
>Monetary Fund can do little more than watch.
>If that nightmare were to become reality, how much would
>the rest of the industrialized world suffer?

        Rudie Dornbusch, Professor of economics at MIT had an OP ED
in the Wall Street Journal on July 30th, titled "Growth Forever."

        The pull-quote is"  "We have the monetary and fiscal resources to
keep the economy going, as well as a policy team that won't hesitate to use
the for continued expansion."

        So don't worry about the IMF being strapped for cash.

        Don't worry about anything.  Is this a reprise of the economists in

        No, this time will be different.

        Gene Coyle

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