
For some time I have wondered whatever happened to the movement to
develop a marxist phenomenology.  Gurwitsch was a disciple of Schutz, and
attempts were even made to synthesize Marx and Schutz.  But there were
other more obvious links.  My gut feeling was that possibly many who
would have been attracted to working on such a project instead got
sidetracked into "postmodern" stuff, here used sloppily as a catch-all for
post-structuralism, deconstruction, etc.  Then I also recall hearing there
was some infighting among those involved in the project (was this the
Telos group mentioned before on one of these lists?). Anyway, if you or
anyone else knows, or have thoughts on the importance/relevance of a
maxian phenomenology, I would be interested in hearing about it.  Aslo, if
anyone is still working along these lines.

By the way, did you attend the symposia held to discuss Adolph Lowe's ON
ECONOMIC KNOWLEDGE, in which both Jonas and Gurwitsch participated?  This
was early 1967 at the New School.

Mat Forstater

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