Right on Jim,

And I wonder if many on this list has thought of the gender 
implications of US support for the KLA separatists?  I think they 
should have a close look at Afghanastan.  Do women on this list 
really want to support this kind of islamic nationalism?  If you have 
any doubts about the effect of US policy in separating Kosovo from 
'progressive' Yugoslavia, take a drive between Skopje and Ohrid in 
Macedonia, and look at the 8 foot fences that imprison the women 
so that they can not be seen by men.  The Serbs always opposed 
this kind of imprisonment of women, despite their chauvinist ways.

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba

From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Thu, 25 Mar 1999 22:38:28 EST
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                [PEN-L:4551] Need NATO strikes Against US
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> It is all really too much, Nightly specials with Norman Schwarkopf as a pundit
> on an NBC Special. And all the sanitized photos showing destruction from a
> high-tech distance and all "our boys" came home.
> If imminent destruction of whole peoples is the criterion for launching NATO
> strikes, then there is genocide going on all over America and Canada. It is
> calculated, premeditated, there are big interests and profits at stake, the
> only difference is the methods of extermination and the time periods involved.
> Notice no reference to history except some cliche about these emnities go far
> back in history. For example, during the nazi occupations, who was who in
> terms of degree of alliance with or resistance to nazi rule.
> And of course no reference to the role of Cold War machinations and intrigues
> in nurthering and exacerbating historical enmnities and contradictions. 
> And that there is a real possibility that forces allied in NATO with their own
> histories and presents of responsibility for genocide supposedly allied to
> stop genocide--not in Rwanda or Cambodia or Chile or Guatamala or Indonesia or
> on Indian Reserves/Reservations or in many many other places, times and
> instruments of genocide.
> Henry Kissinger with a Nobel Peace Prize is like Ted Bundy with a NOW award or
> Himmler with a B'nai Brith Award.
> And as usual, the victims suffer the unimaginable having become imaginable
> suffering and death with sanitized glimpses of the suffering and death
> squeezed neatly in the media between the Budweiser frogs and Valtrex for those
> nasty herpes reminders from the 60s.
> Jim C

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